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How to create Patches for Drupal Issues

How to create Patches for Drupal  Issues

Patching your Drupal website is crucial to ensure the security, stability, compatibility, performance and long term maintenance of your websites. It helps protect your website from security threats, resolve bugs, maintains compatibity with modules and themes, improves performance, and establishes a solid foundation for ongoing maintenance.

Drupal patching to keep your site up-to-date, stable and secure

We have six vital metrix for making our Drupal website successfully

  • Security 
  • Performance 
  • Accessibility  
  • Patches 
  • SEO 
  • Carbon Emissions

      What is Patch ?

      A Patch is a file that consist of a list of differences is usually created with the help of the git diff, often a part of Drupal patch creation. In the Drupal community, developers create Drupal patches file as contribution to fix issues or enhances features in a module, theem and Drupal core.

      Here, we will show you the Drupal patch steps for making in Drupal, how to apply git patch, and the way of creating a simple Drupal patch file:

      There are two ways to create a Patch:

      • Path Independent.
      • Path Dependent.

        Step 1: Create an Account on drupal.org and install.

        • Go to the browser and type in Search bar “ drupal.org ”.
        • Click on create Account.
        • If you have already an Account then login to your account.
        • Install Drupal using composer.

        Step 2:- Search Issues for making patches

        • Search Theme and Module in Drupal.
        • Then open the Theme and Module portal and click on Issues of that particular theme and module.

        Step 3: Issues List page.

        • Then after click “ALL ISSUES” issues will appear in front of you.
        • Click on one issue which you resolve,

        Step 4: Clone Drupal Core Repository 

        • Navigate to your Drupal directory where you want to store your Drupal core folder. 
        • Clone the Drupal core repository using GIT. 
        • Open the terminal or command prompt. 
        • Type the Drupal core directory path 
        • Start the project for solving and creating issue through  patch. 

          Type :-

          • cd “drupal directory path ( var/www/html/drupal... ).
          • dev start.
          • Then .

              Step 5: Apply Changes. 

              • Create a new branch. 
              • Replace “issue branch” name with your isssue  branch name which you are addressing. 
              • Make the neccessary changes to Drupal core or  contributed module/theme which you are working on it.

              Step 6: Generate the Patch.

              • After making the changes, navigate to the Drupal root directory.
              • Run 
              • This command generate a Patch file containing the difference between your changes and the original database.

              Step 7: Review and test.

              • Open the modified files in your code editor.
              • Review the changes made by the Patch.
              • Check for adherence to Drupal coding standards, including code formatting, comments and best practices.
              • Test the functionality related to the patched issueon your local Drupal sites.
              • Verify that the patch resolve the issues without new bugs.

              Step 8: Format the Patch.

              • Go to the Terminnal or Command prompt.

              Type :

              • git format-patch
              • Replace “ formatted-patch-file.patch ”.

              Step 9: Upload to Drupal.org.

              • Login to your Drupal.org account.
              • Navigate to the issues queue.
              • Click on ‘Add a new comment’.
              • Attach the patch file that you created.
              • Provide the details description of the changes.
              • Including steps to reproduce the issues.
              • Set the issues status “Needs Review”.

              Step 10: Let Collaborate and Iterate.

              • Respond to feedback on your patch.
              • Testing feedback.
              • Update the patch file.
              • Upload new version to the issue for the further review.

              Step 11: Finalize and Commit the patch in Drupal.

              • Once your patch is reviewed and accepted finalize the changes by committing them to the git repository.
              • Go to the terminal or command prompt.

              Type :

              • path/to/modified/files.
              • Push your changes to your forked repository. 
              • Working on contributed module/theme.
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